Some problems are definitely better than others. A recent client question about possible ways to circumvent a material gain in a taxable account is certainly a nice problem to have – but one that still deserves some discussion. Investment Taxation Basics Let’s start with an overview of taxation of investments. If you are buying and […]
If you are at or nearing Medicare age, you are well aware of its underlying complexities. We frequently work with clients as they navigate this program – but always recommend the inclusion of a Medicare insurance advisor/broker as well, given the intricacies and considerable nuances. One such nuance that a client just ran across this […]
July 2022’s CPI print brought some relief, showing a 0% increase since June. A big reason of that change was the decline in gas prices month over month. The data published on August 11th, 2022 by AAA helped to reiterate this development. As shown in the graphic below, the national average per gallon of regular […]
Inflation impacts all of us – especially those on a fixed income. A client recently asked me if social security benefits would see a meaningful increase in the near future. Great question! Ever since 1975, social security benefits have been increase annually via Cost of Living Adjustments (or COLAs). Here is a chart of COLAs […]
There is no shortage of acronyms when it comes to finances. One you may be hearing in the news lately is RMD, or Required Minimum Distribution. A client recently asked me to explain this concept in more detail. So, let’s take a look at what an RMD is, how it may apply to you (now […]
There is a wonderful philanthropic underpinning to America. The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2021 reports that individuals, bequests, foundations and corporations gave an estimated $484.85 billion to U.S. charities in 2021. An increasingly popular vehicle for charitable giving is a Donor Advised Fund and it is an idea we often bring to […]
Let’s talk about budgeting! I started working with a young couple and we are working together to put a savings approach in place – determining how much of their net earnings each month can/should be allocated to the various savings/investment buckets (cash reserves, IRAs, employer plans, after-tax investments, education funds, etc). The place to start […]
Class is in session! Twice this week, I had discussions with clients about what information should be shared with their young adult/teenage children and grandchildren as it relates to finances and investing. I always enjoy these discussions. It’s a honor to speak with young adults and add some much needed context to a topic that […]
With the 2nd quarter estimated tax payment deadline approaching, let’s talk about everyone’s favorite topic – Taxes! As you well know, taxes are owed on the income you earn. What you may not know is that there are also rules requiring that tax payments are made as you earn and receive income during the year. […]
As discussed in a recent article, Windermere (in its role as registered investment advisor) has chosen to use Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (“Schwab”) as the primary custodian for its clients. A client recently asked me to clarify what the term custodian means – and how they should think about that important role versus the […]