Happy (Belated) 1st Birthday to The Friday Five

June 8, 2023

It’s been a relatively quiet week in the markets (finally!). With a return to action next week (an inflation print and a meeting of the Federal Reserve), I thought this was a great chance to write about a non-investment topic this week…habits.

A few weeks back, I was reading James Clear’s weekly 3-2-1 email and he shared this quote:

“Make your habits fun.

This doesn’t mean each habit will be the most fun thing in your life, but nearly any habit can be made more fun than it is currently. Ask yourself, “What would it look like if this was fun? What would it look like if meditation or exercise or writing—or whatever—was fun?

Find the most enjoyable version of each habit you do.”

I have quite a few habits that I honestly enjoy and find fun. However, when I read this quote, I instantly on one in particular. I thought of how transformed my love of writing from an occasional indulgence into a beloved (and enjoyable) habit – all by starting the Friday Five.

Writing is always something I have enjoyed doing but without a deadline or a structure, I admittedly didn’t find myself doing it very often. It certainly wasn’t a habit – more like an occasional past time.

That changed when I made a commitment to myself to publish the Friday Five every week. By coming up with a fun structure (the five sections that repeat each week, the photography, the combination of investment and non-investment topics, etc.) and challenging myself to keep it current (I write the two columns every week, based on what happens in real time) and to publish every week, it has allowed for writing to not only become a habit but also an enjoyable version of one.

How about you? Are there habits that you currently have that are fun? What makes them so? Are there others you could adjust to make more enjoyable? Hit reply and let me know.

Also, as an aside – as I reflected back on the Friday Five, I realized that it has now been over a year since I started this endeavor. Time sure does go by quickly! I hope that you are enjoying reading these articles as much as I have enjoyed publishing them. Happy Birthday Friday Five!

Here’s to finding more joy and more fun in our everyday habits – and thanks for being here!

Onward we go,

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