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If there was ever a risk of me forgetting tax day, I have a feeling it would be mitigated by the numerous client questions I inevitably receive in the few weeks leading up to the important date! I thought I’d cover a few of them here as tax day approaches. When do you think I’ll […]

Client Question: Taxing Times

April 3, 2024

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When it comes to income taxes, there is no shortage of rules, acronyms, and best practices. One such “tax term” came up this week as I worked thru a retirement plan distribution for a client. Find out what “safe harbor” means in terms of estimated income tax payments and why it’s a strategy you should […]

Client Question: Safe Harbor

June 1, 2023

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With the 2nd quarter estimated tax payment deadline approaching, let’s talk about everyone’s favorite topic – Taxes! As you well know, taxes are owed on the income you earn. What you may not know is that there are also rules requiring that tax payments are made as you earn and receive income during the year. […]

Estimated Tax Payments

June 10, 2022


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