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Don’t look now – the 2023 tax filing due date (without extension) is only a month away. As the date approaches, you may have questions on certain tax-related matters (there a lot of things to keep track of!) As a result, I thought I’d cover a question I received from a client this past week […]

Client Question: IRA Funding Deadlines

March 14, 2024

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I received a question from a client this week, sparked by a recent job change. He has a 401k plan (at his now former employer) and was wondering what to do with that account. With today’s job market strength and the tendency of people to change jobs more frequently, this is a relatively common question […]

Client Question: Former 401k Plan

June 8, 2023

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I onboarded a new client this week, and within minutes of looking at his pre-existing Roth IRA and tax returns for the given years, I realized he had made improper contributions to his account (due to exceeding the income limit). While he had an advisor helping him, that individual did not confirm my new client’s […]

Client Question: Improper Roth Contribution

May 18, 2023

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We’re in the homestretch of the 2022 tax season and as a result, I’ve been fielding questions about IRA and Roth IRA funding. I recently helped a few clients contribute to Roth IRAs (despite being over the income limit) and thought it may be a useful item to touch on this week Wait, what’s a […]

Client Question: Roth IRA Funding

March 30, 2023

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Happy 2023! I realize we are only a few days into the new year. Perhaps you’re still writing/saying 2022, taking down holiday decorations, working on your new year’s resolutions, or struggling getting back into your routine after a nice vacation. All of those are understandable – go easy on yourself! However, if you are all […]

Client Question – Start of Year Considerations

January 5, 2023

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Holiday season – the perfect time to bake cookies, put up decorations, enjoy time with family and friends – and of course check on the funding status of your retirement plans! I recently worked on this with a client and thought it would be helpful to share. There are a variety of retirement plans that […]

Client Question: Maxing out Retirement Plans

December 1, 2022

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Each quarter, we will share three things that we are keeping Top of Mind Here’s our latest list: 1.) 2019 Contribution Limits – I know – 2018 is barely over and you’re still working on tax prep for last year. I get it – but it’s never too early to start planning your savings for the […]

Top of Mind (Q1 2019)

January 11, 2019


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