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A client reached out last week in an attempt to understand the mechanics of a recent trade. He had sold a combination of securities (a money market fund and a few ETFs) to free up cash in his after-tax account to pay for a recent purchase. The day after he placed the sale order/trade, he […]

Client Question: Trade versus Settlement Date

October 5, 2023

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In reviewing a portfolio with clients this week, we were discussing a particular holding that was under water (valued at less than they paid for it). We had a good discussion about how to approach positions in an unrealized loss status and I thought it would be worth sharing Investing in public markets is a […]

Client Question: Under water positions

May 4, 2023

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Each year, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. hosts a conference for investment advisors that custody assets on its platform. Pam just returned from the 2019 conference. Here are a few themes that were woven throughout the various sessions: 1. ) Remain vigilant: with markets reaching all-time highs during the conference, it’s fair to say that […]

Schwab’s IMPACT Conference 2019: 6 Key Takeaways

November 10, 2019


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