During week’s of high market volatility (like the one we just lived thru), I always like to revisit this writing from Warren Buffet from almost 40 years ago In the 1987 letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders, Buffett unfolds the concept of Mr. Market for us: Ben Graham, my friend and teacher, long ago described the mental attitude toward market […]
Below is an excerpt from Warren Buffett’s letter to shareholders in 1987- reminding us how to handle market fluctuations. Almost 40 years later, the advice still holds. Ben Graham, my friend and teacher, long ago described the mental attitude toward market fluctuations that I believe to be most conducive to investment success. He said that […]
This year’s Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting certainly had a different feel to it without the presence of Charlie Munger (who passed away in December 2023 at the age of 99). Despite Charlie’s absence, Warren (along with his deemed successor Greg Abel and Ajit Jain (head on insurance operations)) took the stage for several hours of […]
***** Most clients know how much I respect Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, so it goes without saying that I tuned into the annual meeting this past weekend. A client asked what I thought of the meeting and after that brief discussion, I thought it was worth summarizing five top lessons I gathered (with a […]
It’s been a relatively quiet week market wise – quarterly earnings continue and we are in between major economic releases and Fed meetings. As a result, I thought we could all use a fun “Pam to Paper” exercise on brand loyalty. Market musings will return next week! Last week, Warren Buffett gave a three-hour interview […]
Every year, legendary investor Warren Buffett pens a letter to shareholders that accompanies Berkshire Hathaway’s annual report. It’s a must-read in my opinion and while this year’s was a bit shorter than in prior years, it still contained plenty of insightful learnings. I highly encourage you to read the full letter for yourself. Below I’m […]
Normally, I use this monthly blog post to share our own views on the markets and investing. However, this month, I’m choosing to instead share some perspectives from two of the best: Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. The first weekend in May is unlike any other weekend in Omaha as annually, 40,000+ individuals make the […]
Attend the Berkshire Annual meeting and you’ll quickly realize it’s a bit like drinking from a fire hose. There is an astounding amount of content covered during this event and every word spoken carries an immense amount of meaning and content. Summarizing six hours worth of wisdom is no easy task but here’s my best […]
This was my first time attending the Berkshire annual meeting. I always thought I had a pretty good idea what the weekend entailed. But it wasn’t until I went to Omaha and lived the experience that I was able to see it for what it really is – A Master Class in community, investing, business, […]