Top of Mind (Q2 2018)

July 1, 2018

Each quarter, we will share three things that we are keeping Top of Mind

Here’s our latest list:

1.) Keeping up with Washington – Now more than ever, the happenings in Washington DC are having an incredible impact on the markets and investing.  It’s virtually impossible to keep track of the news flow on your own.  Enter Greg Valliere.  Greg has been speaking at Schwab events for years and we have always admired his ability to dissect political happenings and evaluate their market impact.  Greg publishes a daily email that cannot be missed, especially as we continue with the trade negotiations/war, midterm elections, supreme court nominations, and a host of other events that have the potential to greatly impact our country – and our investments.  Subscribe today here

2.)  Taxes – We are now half-way thru 2018 – a year that brought a significant change to the tax code.  We have been hearing from a few tax professionals that the changes have led to some individuals no longer having proper withholdings (due to changes in itemized deductions, new tax brackets, etc).  Everyone’s individual situation may vary and some people may still be withholding the proper amount.  Isn’t it worth finding out for sure, while you still have time to adjust?  We think so

3.) A company we love – On a lighter side, we wanted to share with you a company we love interacting with for our business stationary needs  – MOO.  If you are a fan of the written word (as we are), check them out.  They produce beautiful paper products for business (and personal use) and do so with a high level of customer service, professionalism, and a bit of fun 

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