Top of Mind (Q2 2019)

April 9, 2019

Each quarter, we will share three things that we are keeping Top of Mind

Here’s our latest list:

1.) Reading List

I was recently asked about my “must read” news sources and daily email lists.  Seems like there is an endless supply of news to pick from but here are a few of my daily reads and favorites:

Newspapers of choice : Wall Street Journal and New York Times.  I receive the print edition of the WSJ (call me old fashioned!) but I read the Times online.  Both sites have excellent menu options that allow you to set preferences for your news feed as well as email alerts

Other business sites : I also review headllines from Bloomberg, CNBC, Dealbook, and Financial Times

Daily Emails :

  • The Skimm – part fun, part news.  This daily email curates the day’s top news and includes a lot of information and a bit of humor

  • Capitol Insights – written by Greg Valliere, a top Washington strategist, this daily email is an invaluable look inside Washington DC, with a focus on the markets

  • The Hustle – self described as “all the tech and business you need each morning, bite sized”

  • Seth Godin’s Blog – think this is only a blog related to marketing? Think again. These daily messages always leave me thinking and looking at my days in a whole new light

Podcasts – Prefer to listen on the go? Three news/business podcasts I enjoy include The Daily, Up First, and Recode/Decode

2. Check your Mortgage Rates

In 2018, it was widely believed that interest rates were headed in one direction – up.  Fast forward to today and interest rates (namely those at longer maturities) have actually trended lower. The reasons for these moves are many (we’re happy to explain further). But if you are a homeowner with a mortgage (especially one from late 2018) , it may be worth evaluating a refinance. Can’t hurt to look into it!

3.) Social Security – whether you are decades away from claiming benefits or are currently doing so, it is always a good idea to annually verify your earnings history with the Social Security Administration (“SSA”) . SSA receives your earnings from the IRS (via your tax returns) but as with most things in life, mistakes can happen.  Take the time to visit, retrieve your statement, and verify the wages listed. 

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