Top of Mind (Q2 2020)

April 27, 2020

Each quarter, we will share three things that we are keeping Top of Mind

1.Charitable Giving during COVID

Many of us are searching for ways to direct our charitable dollars directly to COVID19. Schwab Charitable published an excellent resource providing valuable information on national organizations as well as tips to direct your search to your community.

Few others that may be of interest:

All in Challenge – A variety of fan experiences are being pledged by celebrities (golf with Justin Timberlake, a walk-on acting role in Robert DeNiro’s upcoming movie, and 90 some others at this moment). 100% of all donations will benefit a variety of hunger organizations and allow you to enter in the various fan sweepstakes (some start at just $10). Over $21 million raised to date!

Donors Choose – While listening to a podcast featuring the founder, I was made aware of the very real issue of many students not having access to supplies and materials they need to learn at home, now that schools are closed. And some don’t have access to food without school lunch programs. Teachers have sight line to these challenges and as a result, Donors Choose launched Keep Kids Learning in response to COVID 19 – a program that grants funds to teachers for purchase and distribution of goods to their students to get them thru this time period.

Windermere has made donations during this time and is committed to continuing to do so. We will match $100 of the first 5 COVID-related donations we are made aware of after your reading of this post – please email your organization to and we will match it (again, up to $100 for the first 5 COVID-related donations we hear of- and we will be happy to match smaller donations as well, until we reach $500!)

2.) Relevant fiscal stimulus and other changes that may impact you

The US Government has responded to the COVID-19 situation with considerable fiscal policies, ranging from stimulus checks to millions of Americans, direct relief to businesses of varied sizes, increases to unemployment benefits, and unprecedented actions by the US Federal Reserve. The CARES Act (as the main legislation is dubbed) also includes provisions that extend tax deadlines at federal level (many states have followed) and suspend RMDs for tax year 2020. There is a lot to digest so we recommend that you contact your professional advisors (financial advisors, accountants, attorneys) and determine what, if any, of the provisions apply to you and your situation.

3.) Hand Washing

Never before have I learned so much new information about something I have been doing my entire life (incorrectly, it seems!). My good friend sent me this video which I found to be helpful. As an added bonus, it’s from Canada so you can enjoy the accent!

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