Happy 2023! I realize we are only a few days into the new year. Perhaps you’re still writing/saying 2022, taking down holiday decorations, working on your new year’s resolutions, or struggling getting back into your routine after a nice vacation. All of those are understandable – go easy on yourself! However, if you are all […]
The end of the calendar year is a busy time for many reasons – holiday parties, shopping, open enrollment, utilization of flex spend dollars, and of course – tax strategizing! I work closely with clients to review their year-to-date estimated taxes and see if there are some strategies they wish to employ before the end […]
Taxes – everyone’s favorite subject! I’ve been working with several clients in the past month to process Required Minimum Distributions. As those amounts are taxable, as part of that process, I consult with their tax advisors to run a quick tax estimate and calculate the appropriate withholding amount. As I’ve worked thru this process, it […]
Holiday season – the perfect time to bake cookies, put up decorations, enjoy time with family and friends – and of course check on the funding status of your retirement plans! I recently worked on this with a client and thought it would be helpful to share. There are a variety of retirement plans that […]
At some time in your life (and perhaps during the holiday season), you may be positioned to gift (or receive) a meaningfully sized gift of money or another asset. A client is on the receiving end of that equation and reached out for a discussion about gifting and the potential tax implications. Very timely topic […]
When you think of this time of year and harvesting, your mind may go to crops and farming. But don’t forget about harvesting investment losses as well. This topic came up with a client recently who asked for a reminder on why it can be a useful strategy, especially in a down year such as […]
A client recently reached out to set a time to review her benefits during Open Enrollment. This is a great practice and one I thought would be worth sharing in this week’s column What is Open Enrollment? Every year, employees are able to review and make changes to employee benefits during a process called Open […]
There was a slight bit of good news for US individuals this week as the IRS published certain key items that will apply to 2023 income taxes. A client reached out for confirmation of the changes – so let’s cover them here. Before we dive into details, it’s helpful to understand what is driving these […]
A client reached out this week to confirm what seemed like news that was too good to be true (especially in a year when it seems all prices are going up). Are Medicare premiums for Part B really going down in 2023? We’re happy to report the answer is yes! Read on to learn more. […]
When discussing the upcoming annual enrollment season (the time of year when employees need to elect various health care and employee benefit elections), a client recently asked for a refresher on Health Savings Accounts (commonly known as HSAs). These are very powerful tools – both for health care costs as well as for long-term investing […]