
Allow our words to help guide your financial journey

Welcome to the WINDERMERE blog

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Happy new year! I trust that you had a great holiday season and are ready for a wonderful year ahead. The calendar turned to a new year only a few days ago and already the markets and business media are off and running with their 2024 predictions. Countless money managers and economists are filing the […]

Welcome 2024!

January 4, 2024

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If you were watching the news media over the holidays, you undoubtedly saw many images of airports as the Southwest flight cancellation was extensively covered for quite few days. As I observed the repeated images of passengers waiting in airport boarding gates it occurred to me that there have been a lot of parallels between […]

Waiting for Take off

January 5, 2023

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A client reached out this week, expressing concerns about the decline in her portfolio. As I started to provide my rationale for staying the course and how markets go thru cycles, etc. , she said “thanks, I just need the hang in there pep talk once in a while.” Don’t we all? It has been […]

Go Ahead, Take the Next Step

October 20, 2022


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