
Allow our words to help guide your financial journey

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I fully appreciate how much industry jargon there is in the financial world, so I do my best to not use it. Finances are confusing enough in plain English right?! However, when talking to a client this week, I accidentally used a jargon phrase and was asked to stop and clarify. The phrase was “clipping […]

Client Question: Clipping Coupons

February 29, 2024

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My mom’s neighbor called me this week to ask about the “bond crisis” as he had read a headline to that effect. I have shared my concerns over the general business media in the past and this is yet another example of why I feel the headlines don’t tell the full story (and perhaps are […]

Client Question: Why all the talk about bonds?

October 11, 2023

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Interest rates have never been such a hot topic of conversation! It seems you can’t turn on the news or talk to your friends lately without someone bringing up interest rates (did you see what you can earn on cash? look at how much mortgage rates have gone up! should I just buy the 2-year […]

Client Question: Yield Curve

March 2, 2023

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August 15, 2019 If you were anywhere near financial news yesterday, you likely heard the term yield curve inversion more than a few times and observed a sharp equity sell-off.  We thought it was worth explaining what that term actually means – and why it may matter for investors What are bonds again? The global […]

Yield Curve Inversion – What is it and what it means

August 15, 2019

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There has been no shortage of words to describe the market environment as of late: “worst one day percentage decline, largest single day move, recessionary indicator, trade war, interest rate fears” – and the list goes on and on. Going forward from here, we believe only one word matters – CHOICE Investing has always been […]

View from the Chair: Windermere’s Market Perspectives (January 2019)

January 11, 2019


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