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A client recently reached out to set a time to review her benefits during Open Enrollment. This is a great practice and one I thought would be worth sharing in this week’s column What is Open Enrollment? Every year, employees are able to review and make changes to employee benefits during a process called Open […]

Client Question: Open Enrollment

October 27, 2022

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Each quarter, we will share three things that we are keeping Top of Mind. This quarter, we are sharing some personal finance topics and reminders 1.) Mortgage Refinance – As interest rates remain low, it is a good time to review all debt you may have (including your mortgage) and determine if refinancing would be beneficial. […]

Top of Mind (Q4 2020)

October 26, 2020

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Each quarter, we will share three things that we are keeping Top of Mind Here’s our latest list: 1.) Time to shop for Medicare – Open enrollment for Medicare starts October 15th and runs thru December 7th. It is an excellent time to review your coverage and explore making changes if your current insurance no longer […]

Top of Mind (Q4 2019)

October 7, 2019


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