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When working on financial plan illustrations for clients, I request quite a bit of information. If they are not yet claiming social security, I will include a Social Security Statement in that request list. Often times, I’m asked what that is and how they can retrieve it, so let’s cover that question today. What is […]

Client Question: Social Security Statement

January 26, 2023

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Inflation seems to come up in every client conversation these days – rightfully so!  This week it was an extra hot topic with Thursday’s latest CPI release for September 2022.  Let’s cover some of the highlights What do I need to know about September’s inflation report? The September Consumer Price Index (CPI – or “CP-High” […]

Client Question: Inflation Charges On

October 13, 2022

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Inflation impacts all of us – especially those on a fixed income. A client recently asked me if social security benefits would see a meaningful increase in the near future. Great question! Ever since 1975, social security benefits have been increase annually via Cost of Living Adjustments (or COLAs). Here is a chart of COLAs […]

Client Question: Social Security Inflation Adjustment

July 21, 2022

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Each quarter, we will share three things that we are keeping Top of Mind Here’s our latest list: 1.) Reading List I was recently asked about my “must read” news sources and daily email lists.  Seems like there is an endless supply of news to pick from but here are a few of my daily reads […]

Top of Mind (Q2 2019)

April 9, 2019

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Each quarter, we will share three things that we are keeping Top of Mind Here’s our latest list: 1.)Social Security – It’s an incredibly complex system that despite paying into it for our entire careers, few of us fully understand. Not to fear, we are here to help! Here are a few things to keep in […]

Top of Mind (Q3 2018)

October 8, 2018


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