Interest rates have never been such a hot topic of conversation! It seems you can’t turn on the news or talk to your friends lately without someone bringing up interest rates (did you see what you can earn on cash? look at how much mortgage rates have gone up! should I just buy the 2-year […]
It wasn’t all that long ago that inflation was a seemingly theoretical discussion topic. We’d bring it up to clients (usually during a financial planning future illustration) and try to find a way to explain it. “Your money will be worth less over time” or “your purchasing power will decline” were phrases we’d use. While […]
One thing you have to love about the world of finance is all the acronyms! It can be hard to keep track of them all. A recent headline made me laugh when I read it – “Forget TINA, get reacquainted with CINDY.” No, the article was not talking about long lost friends. It was referring […]