What are you thankful for?

November 22, 2022

“Let’s go around the table and have everyone share a word capturing what they are most thankful for” 

This gratitude check-in has always been a Thanksgiving Day tradition in the Evason household. It’s a really nice way to kick off the dinner and focus in on gratitude and thanks.

This year, my word is reunion. Allow me to elaborate.

As you may already know, my family moved to Wisconsin from Ontario, Canada in 1988. When we moved, we left behind a group of friends who were truly like our family. We all lived on the same street and our lives were fully intertwined. It was hard to distinguish where one family ended and the other began.

It was impossibly hard to leave them behind, but one might argue that our friendships are even stronger today than they would have been had we stayed – given the effort we all needed to put in to keep in touch. My family would travel back to Canada each summer and over American Thanksgiving (Canadian Thanksgiving is in October), these families would travel to see us. We were on a 20-some year streak of Thanksgiving visits…until COVID struck.

Pictures from Thanksgiving Holidays over the years

With the US/Canada border closed and concerns over getting sick, the Thanksgiving visits weren’t possible the past two Thanksgiving. But this year, two of our dear friends are once again here for the holiday and it has been such a joy. So this year, I’m grateful for a much-needed reunion. After all this time, we are back together again!

Here’s to hoping all of you are reunited with friends and family in the months and years ahead. We’ve all made do with phones and emails and zoom sessions, but nothing can replace a hug and a face to face conversation with those you love.

What would be your one word to describe what you’re thankful for? Share it with me below or better yet, share it with the people around your Thanksgiving table.

Wishing you and your family all the best this holiday season,

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