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A client asked for a debrief on the Federal Reserve’s actions. Here we go! What happened at the meeting? On July 27, 2022, the US Federal Reserve (the “Fed”) once again raised the Fed Funds Rate by 75 basis points. The Federal Funds Rate now ranges from 2.25-2.5%, up from near zero in March. This […]

Client Question: Wait, another rate hike?

July 29, 2022

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It’s easy to get stuck on the headlines these days – especially when it comes to inflation. Turn on the tv, listen to a podcast, open your email – and odds are you will see some sort of jarring financial headline concerning inflation. Even a drive past the gas station can bring the topic front […]

Beneath the Surface: Inflation

July 29, 2022

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After one of the worst start to the year for equity investments, you may find your self asking WHY? Why do I bother? Why do I subject myself to this angst, only to see my invested capital decline? Why not just put it in cash and take all my worry away? Why invest, when I […]

Why Bother?

July 21, 2022

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There is a lot of chatter about the upcoming “earnings season” which prompted a client question about what exactly that means – and why it is getting so much attention this time around. Public companies in the US (ie: the ones that trade on stock markets and are available for public investment) are required by […]

Client Question: Earnings Season

July 14, 2022

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It was certainly a very challenging start to the year for investors. Virtually every asset class experienced materially negative returns. If you would rather cover your eyes, I certainly understand. Just remember – markets go thru phases. We’re in the middle of a very difficult one – but like all the other phases (even the […]

Q2 2022 Market Returns

July 7, 2022

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It’s not every day that a meeting of the US Federal Reserve Bank becomes a spectator sport. However, today (June 15, 2022), there was considerable buzz around this event. There was a countdown clock, endless commentary/predictions, and a televised press conference. Jay Powell (Chairman of the Federal Reserve) is now a well known celebrity (for […]

Fed Funds Rate – Explained

June 16, 2022

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If you own Amazon (or any other stock over the years that suddenly carries a lower per share price), you may have the same question I heard this week – what is a stock split and why would a company choose to do this? What is a stock split? A stock split is a decision […]

Client Question: Stock Splits

June 10, 2022

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If you’ve ever had a discussion with me or read anything I’ve written during a period of market volatility, you have likely heard me say that in my opinion, time IN the market beats tim-ING the market. What do I mean by that? TIME IN the market is quite simply being an engaged participant in […]

Time in >Timing

June 2, 2022

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If you turn on any news channel or read any news publication these days, odds are you will hear at least one or more financial term that immediately raises your blood pressure. Words such as correction, bear market, and recession are definitely front and center. A client recently asked what these terms mean – and […]

Client question: Bears, corrections, recessions, oh my!

May 26, 2022

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I’m writing this post on May 19, 2022 as I sit in the Denver airport, on my way back home from a Schwab meeting in California. And admittedly, I’m experiencing a very strong sense of deja vu. The last time I was in the Denver airport was February 2020. I was on my way to […]

Rocky Mountains & Rocky Markets

May 20, 2022


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