It was only a few years ago that inflation reports would go virtually unnoticed. Nowadays, they receive “breaking news” headlines, live news coverage, and follow-up press conferences at the White House. July’s inflation report (published August 10, 2022) was yet another hotly awaited release. The key question at hand – are things getting worse or […]
Inflation impacts all of us – especially those on a fixed income. A client recently asked me if social security benefits would see a meaningful increase in the near future. Great question! Ever since 1975, social security benefits have been increase annually via Cost of Living Adjustments (or COLAs). Here is a chart of COLAs […]
Inflation is the top issue on investors and consumers’ minds these days. I thought it would be worth taking a closer look at the latest reading – and how future readings may play out. If you’ve read any news headline over the past 48 hours, you already know that June’s inflation reading (as measured by […]