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I’m in the midst of year-end reporting right now, and needless to say, reports from 2022 will not make the best seller list! It was a challenging year across virtually all asset classes. Even supposed “safe” assets such as bonds declined double-digits. After a down year, it is easy to get concerned about the investment […]

Four Factors in the Wealth Equation

January 19, 2023

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Here we are.  Still crossing the figurative bridge (read earlier posts here and here) over a vast valley of uncertainty.  We’ve come a long way in our journey, enduring global economic shutdown, skyrocketing unemployment, considerable strife and tragic loss of human life, and seemingly never ending uncertainty about what comes next. Even though life seems […]

View from the Chair: Windermere’s Market Perspectives (July 2020)

July 7, 2020

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There were few investors who were sorry to see 2018 go. Market movements in October thru December brought returns for the year negative and erased most annual gains, all while worrying investors with significant daily movements and seemingly endless selling pressure. Why did these sharp downward moves occur? Markets are complex and there is no […]

View from the Chair: Windermere’s Market Perspectives (February 2019)

February 6, 2019


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