Just as I was putting the finishing touches on a different Pam to Paper column (I’ll come back to that one another week), I received an email from a Mutual Fund Company we work with, Calamos Investments. In addition to having a proven track record as a money manager, they also produce some very informative […]
It’s severe weather season in Wisconsin. Earlier this week, we had a major thunderstorm roll through in the late afternoon. The storm clouds encompassed the sky, blocked out all the light, caused quite a bit of worry, and left some damage in their wake (fortunately, most areas weren’t as hard hit as had been anticipated). […]
Prior to forming Windermere in 2010, I worked in public accounting. For those not familiar with the industry/career track, it is a very challenging environment. It is a professional services industry, so the client’s timelines and demands rule the day. There is a known pathway to each promotion so performance on every job/task matters. Virtually […]
On Memorial Day, I rose with the sun and took a walk thru Elm Grove Park and the surrounding neighborhoods. It is my favorite time of day to walk – when the world hasn’t quite woken up and everything is beautifully still. Sometimes I listen to the sounds of nature as I walk, but on […]
Early last week, I participated in an Advisory Board meeting for our primary custodian, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (more on that meeting and key takeaways here). The meeting was held at the stunning Terranea Resort in Southern California. Prior to this trip, other than a few COVID road trips, I hadn’t taken a true […]
Quick editors note: The weekly “Pam to Paper” post is where I share with you what has been on my heart and mind during the past week (where I quite literally put Pam to paper). Oftentimes, these posts will have some reference and applicability to investments and markets. That is, after all, why most of […]
As our clients will know, our primary custodian for clients’ investment accounts is Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (“Schwab”). Schwab has a retail presence (ie: individuals open brokerage accounts and trade/manage them on their own), as well as a very meaningful Advisor Services practice (where they diligently support Registered Investment Advisors (like Windermere) as we […]
Earlier this week, I was doing my nightly Gmail inbox clean-out (yes, I strive for inbox zero and no, I can’t quite get there 😉 ). In between the ads, junk mail, and useful reminders was a hidden gem – an email newsletter from Dr. Brene Brown. If you know Brene’s work, you’ll understand that […]
Note: Each week in this column, I’ll address a question discussed in recent client conversations. Who knows, it may just be on your mind as well This week, the topic is Growth versus Value. Recently, a client asked for some clarification on what those two terms actually mean and if we have a preference in […]