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It wasn’t all that long ago that inflation was a seemingly theoretical discussion topic.  We’d bring it up to clients (usually during a financial planning future illustration) and try to find a way to explain it.  “Your money will be worth less over time” or “your purchasing power will decline” were phrases we’d use. While […]

Client Question: Series I Savings Bonds

September 1, 2022

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Five years ago, I was lucky enough to have a wonderful western adventure with a lifelong friend, spending time in Wyoming and Montana. During that trip, we visited Grand Teton National Park which encircles the beautiful town of Jackson, WY. The area is absolutely beautiful and if you haven’t been, maybe this will nudge you […]

Westward we go

September 1, 2022

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Another month has come to and end. This one was far kinder to asset class returns. See for yourself – a summary of several index returns is provided below. In two words.. Much Better!

July 2022 Returns

August 5, 2022

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It’s easy to get stuck on the headlines these days – especially when it comes to inflation. Turn on the tv, listen to a podcast, open your email – and odds are you will see some sort of jarring financial headline concerning inflation. Even a drive past the gas station can bring the topic front […]

Beneath the Surface: Inflation

July 29, 2022

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It was certainly a very challenging start to the year for investors. Virtually every asset class experienced materially negative returns. If you would rather cover your eyes, I certainly understand. Just remember – markets go thru phases. We’re in the middle of a very difficult one – but like all the other phases (even the […]

Q2 2022 Market Returns

July 7, 2022

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Just as I was putting the finishing touches on a different Pam to Paper column (I’ll come back to that one another week), I received an email from a Mutual Fund Company we work with, Calamos Investments. In addition to having a proven track record as a money manager, they also produce some very informative […]

Serenity Now

June 24, 2022

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I’m writing this post on May 19, 2022 as I sit in the Denver airport, on my way back home from a Schwab meeting in California. And admittedly, I’m experiencing a very strong sense of deja vu. The last time I was in the Denver airport was February 2020. I was on my way to […]

Rocky Mountains & Rocky Markets

May 20, 2022

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Calm and perspective – two things we could all use some more of these days Recently, after a wild day in the markets, I decided to pull up two pictures, just to add some perspective Return of the S&P 500 from January 1, 2022 to May 11, 2022 Return of the S&P 500 from January […]

Breathe In, Zoom Out

May 12, 2022

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Earlier this week, I was doing my nightly Gmail inbox clean-out (yes, I strive for inbox zero and no, I can’t quite get there 😉 ). In between the ads, junk mail, and useful reminders was a hidden gem – an email newsletter from Dr. Brene Brown. If you know Brene’s work, you’ll understand that […]

The Space Between

May 12, 2022

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Note: Each week in this column, I’ll address a question discussed in recent client conversations. Who knows, it may just be on your mind as well This week, the topic is Growth versus Value. Recently, a client asked for some clarification on what those two terms actually mean and if we have a preference in […]

Client Question: Growth vs Value

May 5, 2022


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